4 May 2010

Amie and Aidan :)

Well. the project has been really good and we've had some amazing opportunities to work with some amazing people.

We've gained masses of confidence and multimedia skills throughout the development of the campaign.
We've got closer as a group of young people and are better friends because of it. We now have more people to talk to when things go wrong.
We've learnt that it's better to talk about things instead of bottling them up as there are people who can help.

The Vinspired and V50 awards are based on the volunteering we've done throughout the campaign. We've added up all the hours we've spent on the project and we've got some impressive totals.

We've watched Ciara's multimedia peice on the revolution which was amazing. It showed the difficulties of young carers along with the fun side of being close friends. we're really grateful for the opportunity to work with her.

The conference planning has been quite difficult as eveyone has loads of ideas. We've worked through how we want to present our campaign and what's going to happen at the conference.

We can't wait :)

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