27 May 2010

YCR Tee Factory with Jim Cereal

Limited Edition YCR vs Jim Cereal Tees?

26 May 2010

YCR on National Broadcast TV!!!!!!

Here it is! Jade's Press Pack Report on Newsround! It was an excellent piece and featured shots of the canvas work from the young carers revolution. Nice work YCR crew and well done Jade!

Click here to go to the film :
Press Pack Report


Young Carers Revolution was made known to North Yorkshire today as Sami from the YCR crew and York Young Carers worker Liz Langwade took the campaign to the airwaves!

BBC Multimedia Coverage

With thanks to Ciara Leeming, the BBC in York & North Yorkshire have publicised the Young Carers Revolution project with a special multimedia piece created by Ciara and featuring photos from the production week!

Check this link to see the site : BBC MULTIMEDIA

BBC Newsround at YCR!!!

The Young Carers Revolution group were joined by a BBC Newsround filming crew as they followed Jade's contribution to the project. The BBC crew were filming a 'Press Pack' report with Jade and came to find out more about the campaign and how Jade has been involved.

Watch this space for the link to their report!

Eyes and Ears of the nation!

The 3rd post production session saw the YCR crew meet at 41 Monkgate to review the publicity and coverage that the campaign has generated.

It was a great chance for the group to think back to the first aims for the project and to see how well they felt we had achieved those aims so far.

They looked at the different target audiences for their material and imagined how each would receive and respond to the campaign media.
- Education Professionals
- Health Professionals
- Friends and Family
- Decision Makers
- The Wider Public
- Hidden Young Carers

We welcomed two special guests to the group to help us with the discussion.
Sarah Fitsell works at York Carers Centre in charge of marketing and Frances Perry is Carers Strategy Manager at City of York Council.

The group also looked at the forthcoming publicity and looked at readership, circulation and viewing figures for each.

Exciting times... and the film has not even been launched yet!

21 May 2010

DVD Resource Pack

As we draw ever closer to the campaign launch events, the DVD resource pack is taking shape! Here is the front cover designed by Jim Cereal using Aidan's canvas as inspiration. The film will be mastered and signed off today before being delivered to the Duplication centre.

One step closer to the Revolution!

12 May 2010

YCR Wristbands On-Order...

YCR Wristbands are now on order with the manufacturer. They will be white silicone bands with a two colour debossed infill, as requested by the YCR crew.

5 May 2010

Post Production Sessions

During our two Post Production sessions with the YCR Crew the focus has been on 4 main elements...

1 - Understanding and using some basic editing skills using Final Cut Pro software

2 - Discussing and planning the 'No Wrong Doors' Conference Workshops

3 - Wrapping up final production jobs and making decisions on the YCR Resource Pack

4 - Evaluating the Process so far...

With the project Evaluation and completed last week, this week's session moved forward in two directions with one half of the group working on planning the conference workshops and the other half working with Kev on the edit.

To kick off proceedings Kev gave the group an insight into the process of preparing footage for the edit. He also sneaked together a quick fun cut with some outtakes from Sharron's interview and some funny cuts shot on the i-sight camera.

Once the laughing had died down the group got down to the two tasks in hand.

Kev explained and demonstrated some basic sequencing, transitions, colour correction and editing techniques, giving the crew a chance to get their hands on the edit with Final Cut Pro. It was an opportunity to shape some of the creative segments of the film using recordings of the poems and key moments along side pictures and video. It was a live edit so everybody could see the work in progress projected onto the big screen.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group worked on ideas for the workshop using a structure based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). They worked on the basis that their best tool for discussion is their creative work and that they could speak freely from experience around the issues. The question is, what did they want people to take from their workshop?

During the session the group also viewed Ciara Leeming's latest Multimedia piece which will accompany the YCR Film. It was a really great piece which really captured the character, sensitivity and fun of the project. We are looking forward to hearing from Ciara if she manages to get the piece placed with some media interest!

During this project the YCR crew between them will have racked up over 1000 hours of volunteering. An amazing and mind blowing feat! Thanks to the Vinvolved Team at York CVS the crew are now registered for Vinspired awards to recognise their work and we hope these will be presented at the conference.

Watch this space... The Young Carers Revolution launches in 37 days and counting!!!

4 May 2010

emotedd //_^,


the evaluatoin exercise last week went well and was really good, the porject has turned out better than i expected and loved how it has worked.

i have gained loads of experiance like camera, sound and acting. i have enjoied learning from (= cj and kev =) two very talented people.

ciara's multimedia peice is rea,.. REALLY GOOD, got to the points well.
the editing was really cool and fun to watch the outaky bits big LOLIGANZ all-around.

Amie and Aidan :)

Well. the project has been really good and we've had some amazing opportunities to work with some amazing people.

We've gained masses of confidence and multimedia skills throughout the development of the campaign.
We've got closer as a group of young people and are better friends because of it. We now have more people to talk to when things go wrong.
We've learnt that it's better to talk about things instead of bottling them up as there are people who can help.

The Vinspired and V50 awards are based on the volunteering we've done throughout the campaign. We've added up all the hours we've spent on the project and we've got some impressive totals.

We've watched Ciara's multimedia peice on the revolution which was amazing. It showed the difficulties of young carers along with the fun side of being close friends. we're really grateful for the opportunity to work with her.

The conference planning has been quite difficult as eveyone has loads of ideas. We've worked through how we want to present our campaign and what's going to happen at the conference.

We can't wait :)